function X=stft_multi(x,wlen) % STFT_MULTI Multichannel short-time Fourier transform (STFT) using % half-overlapping sine windows. % % X=stft_multi(x) % X=stft_multi(x,wlen) % % Inputs: % x: nchan x nsampl matrix containing nchan time-domain mixture signals % with nsampl samples % wlen: window length (default: 1024 samples or 64ms at 16 kHz, which is % optimal for speech source separation via binary time-frequency masking) % % Output: % X: nbin x nfram x nchan matrix containing the STFT coefficients with nbin % frequency bins and nfram time frames % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Copyright 2008 Emmanuel Vincent % This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License % version 3 ( %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Errors and warnings %%% if nargin<1, error('Not enough input arguments.'); end if nargin<2, wlen=1024; end [nchan,nsampl]=size(x); if nchan>nsampl, error('The signals must be within rows.'); end if wlen~=4*floor(wlen/4), error('The window length must be a multiple of 4.'); end %%% Computing STFT coefficients %%% % Defining sine window win=sin((.5:wlen-.5)/wlen*pi).'; % Zero-padding nfram=ceil(nsampl/wlen*2); x=[x,zeros(nchan,nfram*wlen/2-nsampl)]; % Pre-processing for edges x=[zeros(nchan,wlen/4),x,zeros(nchan,wlen/4)]; swin=zeros((nfram+1)*wlen/2,1); for t=0:nfram-1, swin(t*wlen/2+1:t*wlen/2+wlen)=swin(t*wlen/2+1:t*wlen/2+wlen)+win.^2; end swin=sqrt(wlen*swin); nbin=wlen/2+1; X=zeros(nbin,nfram,nchan); for i=1:nchan, for t=0:nfram-1, % Framing frame=x(i,t*wlen/2+1:t*wlen/2+wlen).'.*win./swin(t*wlen/2+1:t*wlen/2+wlen); % FFT fframe=fft(frame); X(:,t+1,i)=fframe(1:nbin); end end return;