function I=src_image(S,A) % SRC_IMAGE STFT-domain projection of sources into the mixture domain, % given the mixing matrix for instantaneous mixtures or the % frequency-dependent mixing matrix for convolutive mixtures % % I=src_image(S,A) % % Inputs: % S: nbin x nfram x nsrc matrix containing the source STFT coefficients % A: either a nchan x nsrc mixing matrix (for instantaneous mixtures) or a % nchan x nsrc x nbin frequency-dependent mixing matrix (for convolutive % mixtures) % % Output: % I: nbin x nfram x nsrc x nchan matrix containing the STFT coefficients of % the spatial source images % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Copyright 2008 Emmanuel Vincent % This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License % version 3 ( %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Errors and warnings %%% if nargin<2, error('Not enough input arguments.'); end [nbin,nfram,nsrc]=size(S); if nbin==2*floor(nbin/2), error('The number of frequency bins must be odd.'); end [nchan,nsrc2,nbin2]=size(A); if nsrc2~=nsrc, error('The number of sources is different within the source matrix and the mixing matrix.'); end if nbin2==1, A=repmat(A,[1 1 nbin]); elseif nbin2~=nbin, error('The number of frequency bins is different within the sources and the frequency-dependent mixing matrix.'); end %%% Filtering %%% I=zeros(nbin,nfram,nsrc,nchan); for j=1:nsrc, for f=1:nbin, Ijf=A(:,j,f)*S(f,:,j); I(f,:,j,:)=reshape(Ijf.',1,nfram,1,nchan); end end return;