function S=sep_l0min(X,A) % SEP_L0MIN STFT-domain source separation via lp-norm minimization with % p->0 and with as many active sources as channels, given the mixing matrix % for instantaneous mixtures or the frequency-dependent mixing matrix for % convolutive mixtures % % S=sep_l0min(X,A) % % Inputs: % X: nbin x nfram x nchan matrix containing mixture STFT coefficients with % nbin frequency bins, nfram time frames and nchan channels % A: either a nchan x nsrc mixing matrix (for instantaneous mixtures) or a % nchan x nsrc x nbin frequency-dependent mixing matrix (for convolutive % mixtures) % % Output: % S: nbin x nfram x nsrc matrix containing the estimated source STFT % coefficients % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Copyright 2008 Emmanuel Vincent % This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License % version 3 ( % If you find it useful, please cite the following reference: % Emmanuel Vincent, "Complex nonconvex lp norm minimization for % underdetermined source separation," In Proc. Int. Conf. on Independent % Component Analysis and Blind Source Separation (ICA), pp. 430-437, 2007. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Errors and warnings %%% if nargin<2, error('Not enough input arguments.'); end [nbin,nfram,nchan]=size(X); if nbin==2*floor(nbin/2), error('The number of frequency bins must be odd.'); end [nchan2,nsrc,nbin2]=size(A); if nchan2~=nchan, error('The number of channels is different within the mixture and the mixing matrix.'); end if nbin2==1, A=repmat(A,[1 1 nbin]); elseif nbin2~=nbin, error('The number of frequency bins is different within the mixture and the frequency-dependent mixing matrix.'); end %%% l0-norm minimization %%% % Source activity patterns act=zeros(2^nsrc,nsrc); for j=1:nsrc, act(:,j)=reshape(repmat([0 1],[2^(nsrc-j) 2^(j-1)]),2^nsrc,1); end act=logical(act(sum(act,2)==nchan,:)); npat=size(act,1); S=zeros(nbin,nfram,nsrc); for f=1:nbin, % Source coefficients Xf=reshape(X(f,:,:),nfram,nchan).'; SPf=zeros(nchan,nfram,npat); for p=1:npat, SPf(:,:,p)=inv(A(:,act(p,:),f))*Xf; end % Selection of the best activity pattern [val,ind]=min(reshape(prod(abs(SPf),1),nfram,npat),[],2); Sf=zeros(nsrc,nfram); for p=1:npat, Sf(act(p,:),ind==p)=SPf(:,ind==p,p); end S(f,:,:)=reshape(Sf.',1,nfram,nsrc); end return;