function x=istft_multi(X,nsampl) % ISTFT_MULTI Multichannel inverse short-time Fourier transform (ISTFT) % using half-overlapping sine windows. % % x=istft_multi(X,nsampl) % % Inputs: % X: nbin x nfram x nsrc matrix containing STFT coefficients for nsrc % sources with nbin frequency bins and nfram time frames or nbin x nfram x % nsrc x nchan matrix containing the STFT coefficients of nsrc spatial % source images over nchan channels % nsampl: number of samples to which the corresponding time-domain signals % are to be truncated % % Output: % x: nsrc x nsampl matrix or nsrc x nsampl x nchan matrix containing the % corresponding time-domain signals % If x is a set of signals of length nsampl and X=stft_multi(x), then % x=istft_multi(X,nsampl). % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Copyright 2008 Emmanuel Vincent % This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License % version 3 ( %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Errors and warnings %%% if nargin<2, error('Not enough input arguments.'); end [nbin,nfram,nsrc,nchan]=size(X); if nbin==2*floor(nbin/2), error('The number of frequency bins must be odd.'); end wlen=2*(nbin-1); %%% Computing inverse STFT signal %%% % Defining sine window win=sin((.5:wlen-.5)/wlen*pi); % Pre-processing for edges swin=zeros(1,(nfram+1)*wlen/2); for t=0:nfram-1, swin(t*wlen/2+1:t*wlen/2+wlen)=swin(t*wlen/2+1:t*wlen/2+wlen)+win.^2; end swin=sqrt(swin/wlen); x=zeros(nsrc,(nfram+1)*wlen/2,nchan); for i=1:nchan, for j=1:nsrc, for t=0:nfram-1, % IFFT fframe=[X(:,t+1,j,i);conj(X(wlen/2:-1:2,t+1,j,i))]; frame=real(ifft(fframe)); % Overlap-add x(j,t*wlen/2+1:t*wlen/2+wlen,i)=x(j,t*wlen/2+1:t*wlen/2+wlen,i)+frame.'.*win./swin(t*wlen/2+1:t*wlen/2+wlen); end end end % Truncation x=x(:,wlen/4+1:wlen/4+nsampl,:); return;